NY Attorney General Doubles Down in His Supplement Attack

NY Attorney General Doubles Down in His Supplement Attack

Having made his initial move based on discredited tests, he is now broadening the offensive and pulling in AGs from other states. Action Alert! Early last month, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sent cease-and-desist letters to four major national chain retailers, charging them with selling nutritional supplements that were “deliberately mislabeled” and “potentially dangerous to […]

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Once Again, the FDA Deliberately Keeps Us in the Dark about Bad Science

Once Again, the FDA Deliberately Keeps Us in the Dark about Bad Science

It’s the same old story of prescription drugs and fraudulent studies, but the FDA doesn’t seem to care. Action Alert! A recent article in Slate magazine shows how the FDA hides important safety information when it uncovers scientific misconduct in clinical trials of pharmaceutical drugs. The names of the drugs and the company responsible for the misconduct are concealed, journal […]

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Qualified Victory against Crony Capitalist Nutrition in North Carolina

Qualified Victory against Crony Capitalist Nutrition in North Carolina

Good news in the fight against monopolies in nutritional therapy. You may remember the story of North Carolina Paleo-blogger Steve Cooksey. In 2012, Cooksey got a cease-and-desist letter from North Carolina’s Board of Nutrition/Dietetics because he was offering nutritional advice about the Paleo diet at no charge on his blog—but without a board-issued license. A legal […]

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The Dietetics Monopoly’s Cozy Relationship with Big Food—Now in Australia Too

The Dietetics Monopoly’s Cozy Relationship with Big Food—Now in Australia Too

Conflicts of interest are nothing new for dietetics associations, to the shame of many sincere and dedicated dieticians. An important report from Michele Simon shows massive problems with the Dietitians Association of Australia. Michele Simon is a public health lawyer who has been researching and writing about the food industry and food politics since 1996. […]

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New Food Safety Bill Needs Amending!

New Food Safety Bill Needs Amending!

This is a bill sponsored in the House by Rep. DeLauro and in the Senate by Sen. Durbin. Durbin is the arch-nemesis of natural health. But with the right amendments, this bill could actually help! Action Alert! Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro (D-CT) have introduced a bill, the Safe Food Act of 2015, […]

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Two Clinical Trials for Fruit Juice? That’s What the FTC Was Demanding!

Two Clinical Trials for Fruit Juice? That’s What the FTC Was Demanding!

In breaking news, the DC Appeals Court says that would be unconstitutional. But the rest of the decision in the POM Wonderful case was disappointing. Last August, ANH-USA filed a friend-of-the-court (amicus) brief in support of POM Wonderful. The Federal Trade Commission had barred the pomegranate juice company (and, by extension, other natural product companies) from advertising […]

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Is Your Sunscreen Making You Infertile?

Is Your Sunscreen Making You Infertile?

A new law may help promote safer sunscreen ingredients. Action Alert! A new study by the National Institutes of Health found that sunscreen chemicals that filter out ultraviolet rays may impair male fertility. There are twenty-nine “benzophenone-type UV filtering chemicals” in personal care products that protect skin and hair from sun damage. Researchers found that men with […]

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