New Date Rape Prevention Tools Exist—But the FDA Is Blocking Their Development and Sale

New Date Rape Prevention Tools Exist—But the FDA Is Blocking Their Development and Sale

Three innovative products, but only one has the official go-ahead. Why can’t the government get out of the way and let women protect themselves? This spring, a group of four engineering students at North Carolina State University announced they had developed a fingernail polish that changes color when it comes into contact with drugs like Rohypnol (“roofies”), […]

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Coca Cola is Getting into the Milk Business

Coca Cola is Getting into the Milk Business

It will cost twice as much, but they say it will be healthier and more sustainable. Let’s examine those claims. The Coca-Cola Company has created what they claim is a more nutritious milk product called “fairlife” (no capitals, please!), and they plan to sell it for twice the price of regular milk. Calling it the […]

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Sleeping Pills So Dangerous There’s Now an “Ambien Defense”

Sleeping Pills So Dangerous There’s Now an “Ambien Defense”

Even OTC sleep meds may be hazardous—and may contribute to Alzheimer’s. One of the world’s most popular sleeping pills is also, at 40 million prescriptions per year, one of the most-prescribed medications, period. Ambien—also sold under the brand names Intermezzo, Stilnox, Stilnoct, Sublinox, Hypnogen, Zonadin, Sanval, Zolsana, and Zolfresh—is becoming better known for its disturbing side […]

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AND Faces Harsh Criticism

AND Faces Harsh Criticism

FACT: National conferences harshly criticized by nutrition leaders and media. The ADA’s recent Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo has been lambasted by media and nutrition leaders as a “corporate takeover by Big Food.” “Is the American Dietetic Association Attempting to Limit Market Competition in Nutrition Counseling? Michael Ellsberg. “Pesticides Are Good for You, Big […]

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Controversial Diet Pill Featured At Conference

Controversial Diet Pill Featured At Conference

FACT: The AND allows pharmaceutical companies to market their controversial products at AND events. At the 2007 ADA Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo, GlaxoSmithKline was allowed to promote their first over-the-counter diet pill, Alli, even though the drug’s weight loss effectiveness is minimal and side effects such as hard-to-control bowel movements and anal discharge […]

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