Fructose Exonerated?

Fructose Exonerated?

From Ron Hoffman, MD Is fructose the demon-spawn? Let’s cut through the confusion . . . There’s long been a symbiosis between humans and fruit. Ancient fruit provided sustenance to humans—not that the fruit cared. Its evolutionary impetus to be sweet and attractive was to entice paleo humans to consume it, and then spread its […]

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Regulatory Limbo: the Case of NAC

Regulatory Limbo: the Case of NAC

The more effective a natural product, the greater the risk if it sits in an uncertain, regulatory ‘no man’s land.’ From ANH-International In a world in which humans are pumping ever greater amounts of new-to-nature chemicals into the environment, we’re asking a lot from our detoxification systems. Your kidneys, and your liver in particular, do […]

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The Labels On Your Food Are Shielding Lies

The Labels On Your Food Are Shielding Lies

Thanks to the FDA, food labels are about to get even more misleading. Action Alert! Consumers beware: the FDA is on a crusade to make you healthier! This is undoubtedly a noble goal, but the FDA and the federal government have proven completely incapable of providing sound advice about diet and nutrition to Americans. The FDA […]

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Nutritional Outrages of the Week

Nutritional Outrages of the Week

From Ronald Hoffman, MD A trio of food stories caught my eye this week . . . Turning breakfast cereal into a bedtime snack: A problem for the food industry is that there are only a finite number of mouths available to eat breakfast. Demographically, the percentages of kids and teenagers are declining. Sales of breakfast […]

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The Dark Side of the Great 5G Experiment

The Dark Side of the Great 5G Experiment

5G networks are being deployed on a major scale, despite a lack of safety testing and a growing body of evidence suggesting harm. Action Alert! A new study from top scientists and medical researchers concludes that there is “substantial scientific evidence” that radiofrequency (RF) radiation causes cancer, endocrine and neurological problems, and many other negative […]

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This Might Be Your Last Chance to Save Homeopathy

This Might Be Your Last Chance to Save Homeopathy

The FDA has claimed the authority to remove any homeopathic medicine from the market whenever it wants to. We need to take immediate action to make sure homeopathic medicines survive. Action Alert! Last year, we explained the significance of the FDA’s new policy regarding homeopathic medicines. Technically speaking, the agency has declared that no homeopathic […]

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FDA Seeks New Authority to Restrict Supplement Access

FDA Seeks New Authority to Restrict Supplement Access

The FDA has asked for the authority to implement an anti-supplement policy—we can’t let it happen. Action Alert! The agency wants to institute “mandatory product listing” for dietary supplements. This policy sounds innocuous but creates a slippery slope towards regulations that would restrict your supplement choices. This is the same policy championed by Senator Dick […]

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