Conflicts of Interest Mar FDA Pharmacy Committee

Conflicts of Interest Mar FDA Pharmacy Committee

Individualized and natural medications are under threat. Action Alert! Millions of Americans rely on customized medicines made at compounding pharmacies, including bioidentical hormones like estriol. That access is threatened by an FDA advisory committee that is rife with conflicts of interest, including the pharmaceutical industry, which competes with compounding pharmacies. For years now, we’ve been […]

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Turning Vitamins Into Gold

Turning Vitamins Into Gold

How Pharma is stealing nature and charging you for it. From Gizmodo: If you would like to take niacin, a B vitamin that is believed to lower cholesterol and the chance of having a heart attack, you could buy a month’s supply online for about $5. Or you could get a prescription for a bottle […]

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Terminal Patients Find Hope in State of Union   

Terminal Patients Find Hope in State of Union  

President touts ‘Right to Try’ legislation we have been supporting. Action Alert! In his address, President Trump said: We also believe that patients with terminal conditions should have access to experimental treatments that could potentially save their lives. People who are terminally ill should not have to go from country to country to seek a cure—I […]

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Finally! Some Relief From Health Insurance Straight Jacket

Finally! Some Relief From Health Insurance Straight Jacket

Help us support the first meaningful step in healthcare reform. Action Alert! The Labor Department recently released its proposed regulations to implement President Trump’s executive order by expanding association health plans. You’ll recall from our previous coverage that the executive order expands association health plans, also known as small group health plans. The idea is […]

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