GMOs Give Control of the Food Supply to Multinational Corporations

GMOs Give Control of the Food Supply to Multinational Corporations

Monsanto, Syngenta, and other multinational biotech corporations own all GE seeds. In order to have a crop, farmers must buy these “inventions” from companies at prices they set, in amounts they make available. They must sign agreements to run their farming operations according to the rules of multinational corporations. GM seeds effectively turn over ownership […]

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GE Crops Both Increase and Decrease Pesticide Use

GE Crops Both Increase and Decrease Pesticide Use

One of the most popular arguments for GE crops is that they reduce the amount of pesticides farmers have to use. The graph below shows the use of weed killer by conventional farmers (top line) and GE farmers (bottom line). “HT” stands for “herbicide tolerant,” e.g., corn that withstands weed killer). The use of weed […]

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GE Crops Do Not Have Increased Yields, According to the USDA

GE Crops Do Not Have Increased Yields, According to the USDA

The number one reason farmers buy GE seeds is to get higher yields. But according to the USDA, Over the first 15 years of commercial use, GE seeds have not been shown to increase yield potentials of the varieties. In fact, the yields of herbicide-tolerant or insect-resistant seeds may be occasionally lower than the yields of […]

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Should Oxytocin Be a Daily Part of Your Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Program?

Should Oxytocin Be a Daily Part of Your Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Program?

Oxytocin is often used when needed to improve intimacy. Research shows oxytocin can help control obesity, type 2 diabetes, prevent and reverse osteoporosis, rebuild and maintain muscle mass, reduce chronic pain, and regenerate neurons. Should oxytocin be used daily as part of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT)? Oxytocin is often described as the “hug hormone,” […]

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Green Medicine—Full October PDF Edition

Green Medicine—Full October PDF Edition

If you would like to download and print a pdf version of Green Medicine, you can do so here. Now you can take Green Medicine wherever you go. If you do not have Adobe Reader, please download here. In this issue, an extended article: Should Oxytocin Be a Daily Part of Your Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Program?

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Corrupt Pediatricians Disgrace Themselves

Corrupt Pediatricians Disgrace Themselves

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), hugely funded by vaccine makers, calls for a police-state approach to vaccination. Action Alerts! Last month, the Academy, in a report titled “Countering Vaccine Hesitancy,” called for the elimination of all non-medical exemptions to vaccinations, including religious exemptions, on the model of California. Released alongside this report was another report, also from the […]

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Green Medicine–Full September PDF Edition

Green Medicine–Full September PDF Edition

If you would like to download and print a pdf version of Green Medicine, you can do so here. Now you can take Green Medicine wherever you go. If you do not have Adobe Reader, please download here. In this issue: Avoiding Joint Replacement Therapy Whose Side Are They On? Apples Versus Statins 007 Knew Something

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Avoiding Joint Replacement Therapy  by Eliminating Osteoarthritis Pain: The Research of William Kaufman, PhD, MD

Avoiding Joint Replacement Therapy by Eliminating Osteoarthritis Pain: The Research of William Kaufman, PhD, MD

Research done in 455 individuals with osteoarthritis Niacinamide eliminated or significantly reduced osteoarthritis pain in the large majority of individuals Niacinamide can prevent joint replacement surgery Why cigarette smoking also prevents joint replacement surgery Sometime in the 1980s (don’t remember exactly when) a 74-year-old man (we’ll call him Joe) came to Tahoma Clinic bringing copies […]

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Whose Side Are They On?

Whose Side Are They On?

Our taxes paid to research a patent medicine at UCLA UCLA and others collected $500+ million for “royalties,” and gave none back to the taxpayers Our taxes will also be used to pay a patent medicine company $129,000 yearly per patient for this patent medicine The patent medicine is priced two to four times higher […]

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