Comparative Proverb Assessment:  Apples Versus Statins

Comparative Proverb Assessment: Apples Versus Statins

An apple a day prevents cardiovascular disease as well as “statins”—British Medical Journal There are no adverse effects from apples—type 2 diabetes and muscle disease are caused by patent medicines called statins What’s this? Proverbs, apples, and statins? What’s a mixed bag like this doing in the Green Medicine Newsletter? By the end of this […]

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007 Knew Something

007 Knew Something

James Bond’s specific martini preference is better for health The real meaning of “antioxidants” Writing in the British Medical Journal, researchers pointed out that 007—otherwise known as James Bond—was very healthy, and speculated that he might “possess insights of interest to medical science.” They focused particularly on his very specific preferences in martinis.[i] Martinis and […]

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US Department of Monsanto (a.k.a. USDA)

US Department of Monsanto (a.k.a. USDA)

This particular crony alliance isn’t even secretive about it. Action Alert! We think of Monsanto and other companies as developers and promoters of GMOs. But thanks to passage of the Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986, as well as President Reagan’s Executive Order #12591—“Facilitating Access to Science and Technology”—the USDA is also directly in the […]

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Green Medicine–Full August PDF Edition

Green Medicine–Full August PDF Edition

If you would like to download and print a pdf version of Green Medicine, you can do so here. Now you can take Green Medicine wherever you go. If you do not have Adobe Reader, please download here. In this issue: You Can Prevent and Cure Gestational Diabetes, and Lower Your Child’s Risk of Autism! The Almost […]

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YOU Can Prevent and Cure Gestational Diabetes, and Lower Your Child’s Risk of Autism!

YOU Can Prevent and Cure Gestational Diabetes, and Lower Your Child’s Risk of Autism!

Xanthurenic acid (XA)—a tryptophan metabolite—is high in serum in gestational diabetes Xanthurenic acid binds insulin, impeding it’s action Vitamin B6 lowers xanthurenic acid levels to normal In two 1970s research studies, 86% and 100% of women with gestational diabetes normalized their blood sugar in two weeks by taking vitamin B6 Gestational diabetes increases autism risk […]

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The Almost-Forgotten Work of Dr. Arthur Alexander Knapp

The Almost-Forgotten Work of Dr. Arthur Alexander Knapp

Vitamin D and eye health Myopia (nearsightedness), keratoconus, cataract, optic nerve atrophy, retinitis pigmentosa—all treatable with vitamin D Do children who need glasses really need vitamin D? Last month’s Green Medicine reported a “breakthrough” publication[i] from a major American university (in collaboration with a group from a Chinese university) about ultraviolet blood irradiation, a decades-old, […]

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Who’ll Stop the (Glyphosate) Rain?

Who’ll Stop the (Glyphosate) Rain?

Glyphosate (Roundup™) found in rain; not disclosed for seven years! Glyphosate concentrations found in urine damages testicles Many of us were told in school that the fall of the Roman Empire was accelerated by the plumbing of their cities, which was made of lead. Urban Romans were drinking lead in their water every day, but […]

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Industry GMO Labeling Bill Passes

Industry GMO Labeling Bill Passes

Once again, Congress has sold out voters. Last Thursday, the phony GMO “labeling” bill passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 306–117. The bill now awaits President Obama’s signature, and our sources tell us that he is likely to sign the bill into law. Many organizations are flooding the White House with messages. […]

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Sneak DC Bill Alert

Sneak DC Bill Alert

Crony GMO “labeling” bill has language that could be used to stop companies from using a non-GMO label! We need to stop this now! Major Action Alert! We’ve been reporting on the Roberts-Stabenow bill for some weeks now. The public is being told it’s a “mandatory labeling” bill. We call it a “liar labeling” bill—a […]

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