Give FDA Even More Power?

Give FDA Even More Power?

That’s what a group of former FDA bigwigs want. If they get their way, natural medicine could be in even greater jeopardy. This week, six former commissioners of the Food and Drug Administration dating back to President Reagan have called on Congress to give the FDA more power by making it an independent, cabinet-level agency. […]

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Anti-Cancer Nutrient in Peril?

Anti-Cancer Nutrient in Peril?

More and more research is showing the potential of this nutrient to treat cancer and a variety of other conditions. So why is the FDA targeting it? The FDA is rapidly eliminating many of the substances that can be made at compounding pharmacies, which make customized medicines for individual patients. The agency has been banning […]

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Why Are All Doctors Being Threatened With Jail…

Why Are All Doctors Being Threatened With Jail…

Just for doing their job? Please support Senator Hatch’s new bill! Action Alert! There are now over 5,000 federal statutory crimes and over 300,000 regulatory crimes on the books—though Americans are unaware of an overwhelming majority of them. As a result, it has been estimated that the typical professional unknowingly commits several federal crimes in […]

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Feds Lobbying for Monsanto

Feds Lobbying for Monsanto

They already are, of course, but now they want to spend your dollars to propagandize you! Action Alert! Hidden within a large federal spending bill is a proposal for $3 million to go toward consumer education and outreach to “promote understanding and acceptance of agricultural biotechnology”—a campaign to be carried out jointly by the FDA […]

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Glyphosate Levels in Breakfast Foods: What is safe?

Glyphosate Levels in Breakfast Foods: What is safe?

April 19, 2016 Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the world’s most widely used herbicide, its use being largely associated with crops genetically modified to be resistant to it. Increasing numbers of scientific studies are demonstrating that glyphosate residues are now ubiquitous in the environment and may be common in foods. In 2015, the World […]

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ANH Releases Study of Glyphosate in Breakfast Foods

ANH Releases Study of Glyphosate in Breakfast Foods

Glyphosate, primary ingredient in popular herbicide Round Up, present in 40% of products tested April 19, 2016 — Today, the Alliance for Natural Health-USA (ANH-USA) released the results of food safety testing conducted on an assortment of popular breakfast foods. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) testing revealed the presence of glyphosate; the most widely used agricultural […]

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Poison for Breakfast, Anyone?

Poison for Breakfast, Anyone?

ANH-USA tested common breakfast foods for the presence of glyphosate, the toxic herbicide. Here’s what we found. Action Alert! By now it has become common knowledge that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup—the most common weed killer in the world—poses many grave threats to human health and has been classified as a possible carcinogen by […]

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Soda Blocks Brain Repair

Soda Blocks Brain Repair

Please don’t give your child sugar after a brain injury. This definitely includes the fructose in a soda. Action Alert! New evidence shows that processed sugars prevent the brain’s ability to heal after head trauma. As Dr. Russell Blaylock reported in his December 2015 Blaylock Wellness Report, laboratory rats were trained for five days to […]

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Dissent Silenced in Nutrition Debate

Dissent Silenced in Nutrition Debate

What are the supporters of the government’s “US Dietary Guidelines for Americans” afraid of? Last week, investigative journalist and author Nina Teicholz was disinvited from participating in a panel discussion at the Consumer Federation of America’s National Food Policy Conference. Other panelists reportedly said that they would not participate with her, and got the organizers […]

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Frankenmosquitoes About to Be Released

Frankenmosquitoes About to Be Released

The FDA is about to complete the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys—unless we respond in force. Action Alert! Earlier this month, the FDA made available a draft environmental assessment predicting that the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes in Key Haven, Florida, would have “no significant impact”—which means that the approval for […]

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