Will Monsanto Now Try To Hide?

Will Monsanto Now Try To Hide?

A $66 billion buyout by the German pharmaceutical giant Bayer could make it harder for consumers to avoid products from the biotech behemoth. Action Alert! The number of companies controlling our food supply is about to shrink even further now that Bayer has bought Monsanto for $66 billion in cash, creating the world’s largest seed and […]

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Hillary’s Medicine “Bizarre”?

Hillary’s Medicine “Bizarre”?

What your doctor doesn’t know could harm you. Recently, TV celebrity doctor and board-certified internist Drew Pinsky made some waves by mocking the medicine that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was receiving, saying that he was “gravely concerned” about her “bizarre…1950-level sort of care.” Pinsky was referring to the treatment of Clinton’s hyperthyroidism with Armour […]

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Food as Medicine

Food as Medicine

Most of our readers by now are probably familiar with the ketogenic diet. Is it for real? The FDA won’t allow any claims to be made about using food to combat illness (with a few exceptions). Walnut and cherry growers have been threatened with jail for daring to mention university research about their products, both […]

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US Department of Monsanto (a.k.a. USDA)

US Department of Monsanto (a.k.a. USDA)

This particular crony alliance isn’t even secretive about it. Action Alert! We think of Monsanto and other companies as developers and promoters of GMOs. But thanks to passage of the Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986, as well as President Reagan’s Executive Order #12591—“Facilitating Access to Science and Technology”—the USDA is also directly in the […]

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Who’ll Stop the (Glyphosate) Rain?

Who’ll Stop the (Glyphosate) Rain?

Glyphosate (Roundup™) found in rain; not disclosed for seven years! Glyphosate concentrations found in urine damages testicles Many of us were told in school that the fall of the Roman Empire was accelerated by the plumbing of their cities, which was made of lead. Urban Romans were drinking lead in their water every day, but […]

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Secretive Trade Group Moving Against Natural Medicine?

Secretive Trade Group Moving Against Natural Medicine?

The Federation of State Medical Boards is actually an entirely private trade group that seems to exist to thwart competition. State-based Action Alerts!  For many months, we’ve been following the FDA’s war on natural medicine. The agency has been eliminating natural ingredients from the list of substances from which pharmacies can make customized medicines, such […]

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Worried About Prostate Cancer?

Worried About Prostate Cancer?

How to thread your way through the swamp of crony medicine. by Hunter Lewis President, ANH-USA Board of Directors ANH-USA’s board president recently had to deal with prostate cancer. In the article below, he relates how he searched for and found solutions for this common cancer—one of them long stalled by the FDA—and now, although […]

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Sneak DC Bill Alert

Sneak DC Bill Alert

Crony GMO “labeling” bill has language that could be used to stop companies from using a non-GMO label! We need to stop this now! Major Action Alert! We’ve been reporting on the Roberts-Stabenow bill for some weeks now. The public is being told it’s a “mandatory labeling” bill. We call it a “liar labeling” bill—a […]

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FDA Death Meter

FDA Death Meter

How many deaths is the FDA responsible for? Our new interactive tool can provide you with a good estimate. Action Alert! The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for all of the following: Approving unsafe drugs that kill hundreds of thousands of people, and make millions more sick. Hiding or blocking clinical trials that […]

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Systemic Corruption at FDA Reported

Systemic Corruption at FDA Reported

And consider who is leveling this charge: its own staff researchers, court rulings, and Congress. Action Alert! We have long documented many cases of FDA-approved killer drugs and agency interference in a person’s right to natural medicine (and much of this information and more is collected in our new FDA Death Meter website, as we […]

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