Legal and Policy Projects

Legal and Policy Projects

Supplement Access Scientific Censorship Protect Access To Good Food Reform the FDA Protecting Medical Practitioners From Monopolistic Attack Protect Individualized Medicine and Individual Choice   Insure Access To Quality Supplements As staunch advocates of natural health, ANH-USA has long worked to insure that consumers have access to quality supplements. Our organization’s first lawsuit was the landmark […]

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The Trans Fat Ban that Never Was

The Trans Fat Ban that Never Was

The FDA seems to be waiting for GMO soybeans to be ready before it follows through on its promise to ban the toxic fats. A new study published in the journal Preventing Chronic Disease, available on the CDC’s website, shows that Americans are consuming much more trans fat than they realize. A federal loophole allows food companies […]

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USDA Power Play Threatens the Future of Organic Foods

USDA Power Play Threatens the Future of Organic Foods

Last week saw an inter-agency power grab. It begins with the weakening of organic standards—and could end with the term “organic” becoming practically meaningless. Action Alert! In September, the USDA announced changes to its interpretation of the “sunset” provision in the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA), an incredibly important piece of legislation that Congress passed […]

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Dangerous Lawsuit Threatens the Few Supplement Health Claims Currently Allowed

Dangerous Lawsuit Threatens the Few Supplement Health Claims Currently Allowed

A new lawsuit filed by a “consumer watchdog” group says most Americans are not vitamin deficient and don’t benefit from supplements. Huh? Earlier this month we told you about international pharmaceutical company Bayer AG’s battle with the Federal Trade Commission over whether its marketing statements about its probiotic colon supplement are unsubstantiated disease claims (not […]

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ANH Responds To Wall Street Journal

ANH Responds To Wall Street Journal

Recently the Wall Street Journal published a story that was a thinly veiled promotional piece for GMO technology. Here is our response: Regarding your August 22 article, “Meet Mr. Frankenfoods:” This piece—little more than a GMO promotion; let’s be generous and call it an “advertorial”—starts with erroneous definitions and ends with woefully inaccurate information. For […]

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Congress Says Americans Too Stupid For Labeling

Congress Says Americans Too Stupid For Labeling

That is the conclusion of a Congressional Panel after several days of testimony from ‘experts.’ The bipartisan panel released a statement claiming that GMO labeling would be too confusing for consumers who are ‘ignorant’ of the real nature and risks of GMOs. So despite numerous surveys showing that over 90% of Americans want foods containing […]

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