Is the New Attack on Brain Health Supplements Putting Thousands of Other Supplements at Risk?

Is the New Attack on Brain Health Supplements Putting Thousands of Other Supplements at Risk?

There are plenty of reason to wonder. Action Alerts! As we revealed in our related story, the attack on picamilon (a safe supplement combining the natural substances GABA and vitamin B3) spearheaded by the attorney general of Oregon, with the assistance of Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), has likely been orchestrated by the US Food and Drug […]

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CA Governor: No Experimental Drugs for Terminal Patients

CA Governor: No Experimental Drugs for Terminal Patients

California Gov. Jerry Brown recently vetoed the state’s Right to Try Act, which passed both the state assembly and the senate with bipartisan support. In his veto message, the governor wrote, “Patients with life-threatening conditions should be able to try experimental drugs, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s compassionate use program allows this to […]

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Are We Ignoring the Next Pandemic Risk by Focusing on Measles?

Are We Ignoring the Next Pandemic Risk by Focusing on Measles?

While policymakers and many in the scientific community are worried about measles, a deadlier threat from drug-resistant diseases like tuberculosis lurks on the horizon. Action Alert! The measles outbreak in California has unleashed a storm of heated debate across the country, including multiple calls for mandatory vaccinations at both the federal and state level. What is the extent of this […]

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New Food Safety Bill Needs Amending!

New Food Safety Bill Needs Amending!

This is a bill sponsored in the House by Rep. DeLauro and in the Senate by Sen. Durbin. Durbin is the arch-nemesis of natural health. But with the right amendments, this bill could actually help! Action Alert! Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro (D-CT) have introduced a bill, the Safe Food Act of 2015, […]

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New Date Rape Prevention Tools Exist—But the FDA Is Blocking Their Development and Sale

New Date Rape Prevention Tools Exist—But the FDA Is Blocking Their Development and Sale

Three innovative products, but only one has the official go-ahead. Why can’t the government get out of the way and let women protect themselves? This spring, a group of four engineering students at North Carolina State University announced they had developed a fingernail polish that changes color when it comes into contact with drugs like Rohypnol (“roofies”), […]

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Legal and Policy Projects

Legal and Policy Projects

Supplement Access Scientific Censorship Protect Access To Good Food Reform the FDA Protecting Medical Practitioners From Monopolistic Attack Protect Individualized Medicine and Individual Choice   Insure Access To Quality Supplements As staunch advocates of natural health, ANH-USA has long worked to insure that consumers have access to quality supplements. Our organization’s first lawsuit was the landmark […]

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