Will Supplements Be Regulated Along with Drugs?

Will Supplements Be Regulated Along with Drugs?

It’s music to the ears of the FDA—but terrible for consumers. We need to tell the administration: supplements under the law are food, not drugs! Action Alert! As we’ve been telling you, the Trump administration has proposed merging the food safety duties of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration […]

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Sit Down and Eat Your GMOs

Sit Down and Eat Your GMOs

Consumers are targeted by the FDA’s newest GMO propaganda campaign. From the FDA: The U.S Food and Drug Administration is announcing public meetings to be held in Charlotte, North Carolina, and San Francisco, California, regarding its Agricultural Biotechnology Education and Outreach Initiative. Congress appropriated $3 million to fund this initiative, which calls upon the FDA to […]

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Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs—Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, as Summarized on Green Medicine Radio

Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs—Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, as Summarized on Green Medicine Radio

(Why the incredibly long title to this article? Because some might dismiss a shorter title for the article as “just another rant by a “crazy health food nut.” Hard to do that when the title includes the source, a professional journal, published by the American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics, whose website—www.aslme.org—tells us the […]

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Drugs Don’t Work!

Drugs Don’t Work!

Studies on the effectiveness of the drug industry’s biggest sellers are frankly shocking, according to researchers. We—as individual consumers and as taxpayers—are apparently wasting money on expensive drugs that don’t work. And the side effects are often disastrous. “Every day, millions of people are taking medications that will not help them,” says Nicholas J. Schork, […]

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Research and Clinical Information  You Can Safely Use on Your Own

Research and Clinical Information You Can Safely Use on Your Own

Treatments for your skin: lycopene, vitamin A, and duct tape! Vitamin D lowers cancer risk Vitamin regimens for both heavy menstruation and nausea in pregnancy Nix dairy to prevent strep throat Sexual healing: hormones for men, and herbs, oils, and vitamins for women More lycopene, less rough skin As skin aging and roughness is more […]

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Toddlers Are Being Given Toxic, Mind-Altering Drugs

Toddlers Are Being Given Toxic, Mind-Altering Drugs

These drugs are dangerous enough for adults—so why are we giving them to two-year-olds (and even younger) children? Who exactly has the mental problem here? A story published in The New York Times documents the rising trend of conventional doctors prescribing antipsychotic and psychotropic drugs to children two years old and younger. The report estimates […]

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Press Release: Attorney General Demonstrates Fundamental Misunderstanding of What the FDA Does

Press Release: Attorney General Demonstrates Fundamental Misunderstanding of What the FDA Does

Troubling video exposes AG’s lack of understanding of drug approval process and dietary supplement regulation March 10, 2016 — As part National Consumer Protection Week, United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch released a video warning consumers about the “potential dangers” of taking nutritional supplements. She cautions that, unlike pharmaceutical drugs, the Food and Drug Administration […]

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