FDA Doubles Down on Censoring Food Labels

FDA Doubles Down on Censoring Food Labels

As usual, it gets the science wrong, and we think we detect a hidden, commercial motive as well. Action Alert! The FDA recently sent a warning letter to KIND, the company known for making several varieties of fruit-and-nut bars. The letter contends that four of KIND’s products bear the claim on their labels that they are “healthy and […]

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One-Third of Seniors with Dementia Are Being Given Antipsychotics

One-Third of Seniors with Dementia Are Being Given Antipsychotics

—even though such toxic drugs are not approved to treat dementia! A report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that nearly one-third of older adults with dementia who spent more than 100 days in a nursing home were given antipsychotics through Medicare’s prescription drug program in 2012. We previously reported that a similar situation exists with brain-damaged […]

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A New Tool for Antibiotic-Resistant Killer Bacteria: Essential Oils

A New Tool for Antibiotic-Resistant Killer Bacteria: Essential Oils

What should you stock to protect yourself? A few weeks ago, we reported that, while many across the country are concerned about measles, which occurs in a largely vaccinated population and has caused no deaths, a larger threat wasn’t receiving proper attention: drug-resistant tuberculosis—and antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” in general. These infect at least two million Americans […]

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FDA May Be Preparing Attack on Homeopathy

FDA May Be Preparing Attack on Homeopathy

The time to stop this is now, before it gains momentum! Action Alert! The FDA is holding a public hearing later this month to evaluate its enforcement policies for homeopathic drug products. It says the agency is seeking input on whether and how to adjust the policy to adjust for changes that may have occurred over the past […]

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Once Again, the FDA Deliberately Keeps Us in the Dark about Bad Science

Once Again, the FDA Deliberately Keeps Us in the Dark about Bad Science

It’s the same old story of prescription drugs and fraudulent studies, but the FDA doesn’t seem to care. Action Alert! A recent article in Slate magazine shows how the FDA hides important safety information when it uncovers scientific misconduct in clinical trials of pharmaceutical drugs. The names of the drugs and the company responsible for the misconduct are concealed, journal […]

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FDA Compounding Committee Is a Stacked Deck

FDA Compounding Committee Is a Stacked Deck

Conflicts of interests and rampant biases on the committee advising FDA on the new compounding rules? Yes—in abundance! Related Action Alert! Last week, we wrote about the FDA’s latest efforts to regulate compounding pharmacies in its draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Although these provisions are still in the process of being completed, it’s looking increasingly likely […]

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New Power Grab by Federation of State Medical Boards Threatens Integrative Medicine

New Power Grab by Federation of State Medical Boards Threatens Integrative Medicine

Back in September 2014, the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) released model legislation for the creation of an interstate medical licensing compact. The stated intent of the legislation is to streamline the licensing process for physicians who wish to apply for medical licenses in multiple states. According to Medscape, the model legislation would allow physicians to apply for […]

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Compounded Medications Even More At Risk

Compounded Medications Even More At Risk

A new threat to compounded drugs (including bioidentical estriol for women and compounded time-release thyroid) has emerged. Action Alert! The US Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) has released an overreaching draft proposal that may inadvertently crush many small compounding pharmacies—unless we take action. USP is a nonprofit organization that sets standards for the identity, strength, quality, and purity of medicines […]

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