Government for Sale

Government for Sale ******** Action Alerts for This Campaign ******** Tell Congress to Support the BoxerDeFazio GMO Labeling Bills! The Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act was introduced last Wednesday in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) with nine cosponsors in […]

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AND (Dietitians) Monopoly

AND (Dietitians) Monopoly View your state’s licensing status Monopoly Over Nutritional Therapy Overview ANH-USA advocates for access and choice—to ensure consumers have unencumbered access to health care treatments and ensure practitioners have the autonomy to practice in a manner that is truly in the best interest of his/her patient. Unfortunately, legislation has been passed in […]

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ANH Sues FDA Over Health Claims Censorship

ANH Sues FDA Over Health Claims Censorship

ANH Sues FDA Over Health Claims Censorship ******** Action Alerts for This Campaign ******** Tell Congress to Restore Free Speech for Nutritional Supplement Companies! The Testimonial Free Speech Act, HR 2908, would allow the dissemination of testimonials “containing a consumer’s actual perception of the mitigative, preventive, or curative properties of any food or dietary supplement […]

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Ban Arsenic and Antibiotics In Animal Feed

Ban Arsenic and Antibiotics In Animal Feed ******** Action Alerts for This Campaign ******** Stop the Power Grab by the Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources! Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources has issued an Invasive Species Order, supposedly to help stop the spread of feral swine. But in the order, the swine are identified by such […]

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Drug Company Attempts To Patent Supplements and Turn Them Into Drugs

Drug Company Attempts To Patent Supplements and Turn Them Into Drugs P5P & Carpal tunnel B6 & Colorectal Cancer risk Human beings cannot live without vitamin B-6. It is also important for the prevention of cancer and the prevention and treatment of seizures, anemia, mental disorders including schizophrenia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other conditions. Its […]

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