Now Serving: Parkinson’s and Liver Disease

Now Serving: Parkinson’s and Liver Disease

Do you want this stuff on your dinner plate? Action Alert! Researchers have conducted a groundbreaking new study that shows a link between Roundup and severe liver damage. The study found that Roundup administered to rats at extremely low doses caused non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) over two years. NAFLD can lead to cirrhosis, and […]

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Is Your Town Leaking Lead?

Is Your Town Leaking Lead?

Governments and much of the press seem to be covering up that Flint is just the tip of the iceberg. State-based Action Alert! We reported last month that in Flint, Michigan, tap water in residents’ homes contained astonishing levels of lead, as high as 104 parts per billion (ppb), when the Environmental Protection Agency’s limit […]

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Fluoridation Increases Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Fluoridation Increases Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Fluoride, added to community water supplies, is linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in adults, and IQ impairment in children. The media has generally been silent regarding these findings, which allows public health authorities to ignore the science. The fluoridation of water is strongly opposed by top scientists at the Environmental Protection […]

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EPA Changes Its Tune on Fracking

EPA Changes Its Tune on Fracking

The agency finally admits that the process may contaminate drinking water. In the final version of a study first issued in 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reversed its previously held position that hydraulic fracturing (also known as “fracking”) has little effect on drinking water. An EPA science advisor said that the previous conclusion […]

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Is Lead Causing Criminal Behavior?

Is Lead Causing Criminal Behavior?

And why is the government against the obvious, natural solution? State-based Action Alert! In Flint, Michigan, tap water in residents’ homes contained astonishing levels of lead, as high as 104 parts per billion (ppb). The Environmental Protection Agency’s limit for lead in drinking water is 15 ppb, but there is no safe level of lead […]

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Glyphosate: Will the EPA Capitulate to Its Cronies?

Glyphosate: Will the EPA Capitulate to Its Cronies?

They’re concerned the truth will come out about this ubiquitous poison. Action Alert! Recently we reported that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a draft report on the carcinogenic potential of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. This was in advance of a meeting in which a panel of scientists would discuss […]

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EPA Scientists Are Not Dumb

EPA Scientists Are Not Dumb

Their political and industry bosses must have told them what to say. Action Alert! The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released a draft report finding that glyphosate—the active ingredient in Monsanto’s popular Roundup weed killer—is not likely to cause cancer in humans. This finding is preliminary, to be followed by the agency’s final review of glyphosate, […]

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Mercury Found in High Fructose Corn Syrup

Mercury Found in High Fructose Corn Syrup

But apparently covered up by the Food and Drug Administration. Action Alert! There were already plenty of reasons to avoid this highly processed ingredient like the plague. Now there’s an even better reason. High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) makes up one out of every ten calories Americans eat. It is in nearly every processed food […]

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As Bad as Glyphosate?

As Bad as Glyphosate?

The world is focused on glyphosate, but another commonly used farm herbicide could be just as poisonous. Action Alert! The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required to review pesticides and herbicides approved for use in the US every fifteen years. The agency just completed its updated environmental impact assessment of atrazine, the second most widely […]

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