AND (Dietitians) Monopoly

AND (Dietitians) Monopoly View your state’s licensing status Monopoly Over Nutritional Therapy Overview ANH-USA advocates for access and choice—to ensure consumers have unencumbered access to health care treatments and ensure practitioners have the autonomy to practice in a manner that is truly in the best interest of his/her patient. Unfortunately, legislation has been passed in […]

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Is TV Starting to Show Value In Alternative Medicine? There has been much discussion in the media and on blogs and message boards about the pilot episode of Eli Stone and its fictional legal case focusing on the link between autism and vaccinations. What has not been discussed is the recurring character of an “alternative medicine” practitioner – actually an acupuncturist – who […]

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Forbes: Vitamins “Quackery” — The Same Old Discredited Studies Are Hauled Out

It’s silly, to tell the truth.  Every so often, a major news outlet will publish an article to discourage people from taking vitamin supplements.  The articles cite a by now familiar group of very badly designed and probably intentionally biased medical studies that are quoted because of their anti-supplement results.  Sometimes the same old bogus […]

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Vitamin Use in Cancer Care

(And You Thought the Election Rhetoric Was Vicious!) The use of vitamins—and antioxidants in particular—during cancer therapy has a long history of controversy. Many pioneers in the field of cancer care and research—Drs. Charles Simone, Ralph Moss, Kedar Prasad, and Keith Block, among others—have sifted through the conflicting research and offer an alternative viewpoint from […]

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