Anti-Supplement Amendment Coming

Anti-Supplement Amendment Coming

With your help, we can defeat it once again. Action Alert! Last week we told you about an anti-supplement amendment that we think will be attached to a must-pass bill to fund the military in fiscal year 2017. We also believe this amendment will be introduced to the full Senate this week, so it is […]

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Natural Strategies for Keeping Your Vision: Cataracts (Jonathan Wright, MD)

Natural Strategies for Keeping Your Vision: Cataracts (Jonathan Wright, MD)

By Jonathan V. Wright, MD   I’ve written about an effective, well-researched cataract treatment previously: N-acetylcarnosine eyedrops. Another option for treating cataracts is a combination of Chinese botanicals called “Hachimi-jio-gan,” or Ba-wei-wan. This treatment has been used for centuries in China to treat cataracts, and even has a bit of clinical evidence to support it. In […]

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Natural Strategies for Keeping your Mental Capacity

Natural Strategies for Keeping your Mental Capacity

By Jonathan V. Wright, MD   Your guide for beating cognitive decline (a.k.a “keeping your marbles”) According to health authorities, Alzheimer’s disease is slated to become the next epidemic. In fact, current estimates state that nearly half of people over the age of 85 have Alzheimer’s, whether it’s obvious or not. There are non-Alzheimer’s forms […]

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Natural Hormones: New Threat

Natural Hormones: New Threat

Big drug companies want the entire market to themselves. Action Alert! If they’re successful, the price of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy could go through the roof. And you won’t be able to get the therapy in the right form, either. In 2014, TherapeuticsMD, a drug company specializing in women’s healthcare, was granted two new patents […]

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Supplements: New Sneak Attack

Supplements: New Sneak Attack

It’s the same tactic these senators used last year, and with your help we will beat it back again. Action Alert! Last year, Sens. Blumenthal (D-CT) and Durbin (D-IL) attempted to attach anti-supplement amendments to a must-pass defense appropriations bill, but were stopped by our grassroots activists and other stakeholders. It looks as if the […]

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Expanding Access to Vitamins

Expanding Access to Vitamins

America’s nutrition crisis hits our most vulnerable citizens the hardest. You can help get them the multivitamins they need. Action Alert! A recent article in the Wall Street Journal asks if government-supported food programs should stop covering unhealthy foods such as soda, on the premise that today, obesity is a much larger problem than hunger, […]

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