Feds Renew Attack on Raw Milk

Feds Renew Attack on Raw Milk

The misinformation campaign continues. State-based Action Alerts! The Montana and Idaho legislatures are currently considering bills that would loosen restrictions on the sale of raw milk. The Montana bill has already been approved by the state’s House of Representatives and is now being considered by its Senate. Apparently the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]

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Useless Procedures, Needless Death

Useless Procedures, Needless Death

Conventional medical doctors are lagging behind on the science, and it’s costing lives. A new report from ProPublica details how conventional doctors continue to use certain drugs and medical procedures long after their appropriateness has been contradicted by research. This means that patients are receiving treatments that are proven to be ineffective or even dangerous. […]

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Reduce Your Risk of Stroke, Starting Now!

Reduce Your Risk of Stroke, Starting Now!

Learn how to reduce your risk of stroke by donating blood to reduce blood viscosity and strengthening blood vessels with vitamins and minerals Remember, too, to eat those fruits and veggies! You probably know someone who’s had a stroke. Wheelchair-bound or walking with difficulty, not able to use an arm or a leg or both, […]

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What the Government Has Done to Physicians

What the Government Has Done to Physicians

Federal bureaucracy is turning your physician into roboticized “healthcare providers.” Do you want your doctor to be your doctor because she or he really wants to help you and other people, or because “it’s a job”? Since the start of “third-party medicine”—otherwise known as “healthcare insurance”—the physician-patient relationship has been destroyed, at first slowly, and […]

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Help Save This Natural Painkiller!

Help Save This Natural Painkiller!

Two bills have been introduced to protect consumer access to cannabidiol (CBD). They need our support. Action Alert! We have a growing opioid painkiller epidemic in this country—one that has followed the scandal of so many heart-health-destroying or cancer-causing pain relievers being approved by the FDA. There is a natural alternative, and of course the […]

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Fake Organics Flooding US Market

Fake Organics Flooding US Market

The feds are definitely aware of the problem, but they aren’t doing a thing about it. Action Alert! Organic corn exports from Turkey to the US have exploded. Compared to the same six-month time period in 2015, the dollar value of organic corn imports from Turkey during the first six months of 2016 increased by […]

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Surgical Device Spreads Cancer Inside Women

Surgical Device Spreads Cancer Inside Women

The FDA knew of the risk. It’s yet another medical device scandal from the FDA. A new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) details how the FDA tragically underestimated the risk of a device used to remove uterine tumors called fibroids. The device, called a power morcellator, was approved in 1991; by 2013, it […]

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