Fracking Fluid For Dinner?
Keep your dinner safe from fracking fluid. Taken Action Now!
Armed with this precedent, it’s time to roll these anti-consumer laws back in other states. State-based Action Alert! Recently, a judge in the federal District Court for Idaho ruled that the state’s so-called “ag-gag” law was unconstitutional on First Amendment grounds. Idaho’s bill was signed into law last year and, like similar ag-gag laws in […]
The biotech industry says, “Trust us, GMO are perfectly safe!” But let’s look at the evidence: Most studies on GMOs have been conducted by the same biotech companies selling them. It’s difficult to get the actual raw data for independent testing, since most biotech companies aggressively block independent studies. The few independent studies that do […]
Being rich and famous does not necessarily mean you get better healthcare. Hillary Clinton’s campaign has released a letter from one of her doctors giving her a clean bill of health after a full medical exam and attesting to her physical ability to serve as president. The letter revealed that Mrs. Clinton is being treated […]
Help us make sure your legislators on Capitol Hill hear about this. Action Alert! A recent article published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) calls on lawmakers to label genetically modified foods. The authors begin by pointing out the well-established fact that genetic modifications to make plants resistant to herbicides and pesticides have […]
The Los Angeles Times says yes, and low-fat won—which will make some big advertisers happy. Unfortunately, the Times made a hash of the actual study. Here’s the headline: “For fat loss, low-fat diets beat low-carb diets handily, new research finds.” Unfortunately not a word of this is true. The article, which was published in the […]
The FDA knew all about the endoscope risk six years ago, but has ignored it. Action Alert! Over the last few years, you may have seen one of the several tragic stories of antibiotic-resistant “superbug” outbreaks in major hospitals that have killed dozens of patients and sickened hundreds more. Some of these outbreaks are linked […]
Crony science is on full display in the new partnership between the giant beverage company and a nonprofit looking to exonerate junk food in the obesity debate. The New York Times reports that Coca-Cola is pouring millions of dollars into a nonprofit organization that is trying to promote a peculiar solution to the obesity crisis. […]
The agency reverses itself—and capitulates to the sugar lobby. Action Alert! Recently, the FDA announced a proposal to include a daily recommended value (DRV) for added sugars on the Nutrition Facts label of packaged foods and dietary supplements. The “added sugars” designation has nothing to do with the amount of sugar that already occurs naturally […]
A nonsensical guidance issued by the FDA in 2005 continues to cause confusion. Action Alert! Under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act, a supplement is misbranded if it does not announce itself as a supplement. The actual statute says that it is violating the law if “the label or labeling of the dietary supplement […]