Monsanto’s Latest PR Stunt
It wins first place on our list of Big Business’ Top Five sham “educational” websites.
It wins first place on our list of Big Business’ Top Five sham “educational” websites.
And once again, our country’s disadvantaged kids are being unnecessarily medicated nearly three times more often.
But it’s just a mirror for our own government’s “addiction” to prescription drugs and the drug industry. Is your physician taking kickbacks too?
We should look deeply into the mirror that the GSK/China scandal has provided for the US—what we see isn’t very pretty.
This is an actual label from a bag of Monsanto seed. These seeds may or may not be GMO, but notice the warning. Does it bother anyone that seeds are routinely coated with poison? This isn’t something that is even making headlines anymore. This is just business as usual in the world of modern farming. […]
Special interests may soon dictate what Internet content you are able to access. Action Alert!
If that weren’t disturbing enough, the FDA is using terms like “manufacturing.”
How can schools create healthy meals when politicians interfere?
You can guess how that worked out. Action Alert!
Meanwhile, there are fresh victories (and challenges) in the battle to stop AND from monopolizing nutrition advice. State Action Alert!