Artificial Sweeteners Linked With a 13% Higher Risk of Cancer

Artificial Sweeteners Linked With a 13% Higher Risk of Cancer

From Medical News Today A large new observational study has found an association between the consumption of artificial sweeteners, particularly aspartame and acesulfame-K, and cancer. The study found a 13% higher risk of cancer in general, with the highest likelihood of developing breast cancer and cancers related to obesity, for people consuming large quantities of artificial sweeteners. The […]

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Wave Genetics and Quantum Medicine

Wave Genetics and Quantum Medicine

The article has been edited by Roger Meacock BVSc MRCVS and Melissa Smith.Rob Verkerk PhD has provided an introduction. Introduction to quantum medicine Quantum medicine, sometimes also referred to as informational or frequency medicine, is itself a huge and burgeoning field that uses lessons learned from quantum physics to deliver highly advanced diagnostics often as […]

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The Latest on NAC

The Latest on NAC

Two important updates on the future of NAC, a critical antioxidant supplement—and why we need to keep fighting for access. Action Alert! FDA Denies NAC Citizens Petition Last week, the FDA denied two Citizens Petitions from the supplement industry requesting the agency reach a determination that N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) is included in the definition of a […]

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More Deadly than COVID?

More Deadly than COVID?

COVID has been treated as a national health emergency, but what about the chronic disease epidemic? A recent New York Times article highlights the devastating impact the COVID pandemic has had on people with diabetes, with 30-40 percent of all COVID deaths occurring among people with the disease. Diabetes impairs the immune system but also […]

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Biden’s Budget Proposal: Implications for Natural Health

Biden’s Budget Proposal: Implications for Natural Health

From ANH’s Legislative Team. Last week, the Biden Administration released its fiscal year 2023 budget proposal. As you may remember from Government 101, our U.S. Constitution grants the power of the purse to Congress, so Congress doesn’t have to follow the President’s budget proposal. However, the President’s budget is important because it shows his Administration’s […]

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Dangerous chemicals found in food wrappers at major fast-food restaurants and grocery chains, report says

Dangerous chemicals found in food wrappers at major fast-food restaurants and grocery chains, report says

By Sandee LaMotte, CNN Alarming levels of dangerous chemicals known as PFAS were discovered in food packaging at a number of well-known fast-food and fast-casual restaurants and grocery store chains, a new report found. The highest levels of indicators for PFAS were found in food packaging from Nathan’s Famous, Cava, Arby’s, Burger King, Chick-fil-A, Stop & […]

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Supplements Next to Cigarettes Behind Counters?

Supplements Next to Cigarettes Behind Counters?

Bad supplement bills in Rhode Island, New York, California, Missouri, and Massachusetts that would severely restrict supplement access show where other states could be heading. Action Alert! Rhode Island state senators Mike McCaffrey, Hanna Gallo, and Joshua Miller recently sought to put ALL supplements behind the counter, and only accessible by retail clerks. This is, […]

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Clock Ticking for Telehealth?

Clock Ticking for Telehealth?

Expanded telehealth has lowered costs and expanded access for millions of Americans—but it will disappear when the pandemic is over unless we make it permanent. Action Alert! Many Americans have benefitted from expanded access to telehealth during the pandemic that helps reduce the cost of medical care, but this expanded access will disappear once the […]

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The Red Meat Witch-Hunt Exposed

The Red Meat Witch-Hunt Exposed

Find out why Gates-funded meat demonization is non-science and the Global Burden of Disease data can’t be trusted. By Rob Verkerk PhD, executive & scientific director, ANH-International. THE TOPLINE Red meat eating has been demonized because of its alleged adverse impacts on the environment and on health Find out why it isn’t red meat that’s […]

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