SADder Than You Think

SADder Than You Think

It isn’t just people who are affected by the Standard American Diet (SAD). It’s plants as well. And when we eat these non-nutritious plants—or the animals that are fed on them—it is our health that suffers. Just as the Standard American Diet helps destroy the beneficial bacteria and fungi on which our bodies depend for […]

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As Bad as Glyphosate?

As Bad as Glyphosate?

The world is focused on glyphosate, but another commonly used farm herbicide could be just as poisonous. Action Alert! The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required to review pesticides and herbicides approved for use in the US every fifteen years. The agency just completed its updated environmental impact assessment of atrazine, the second most widely […]

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US Department of Monsanto (a.k.a. USDA)

US Department of Monsanto (a.k.a. USDA)

This particular crony alliance isn’t even secretive about it. Action Alert! We think of Monsanto and other companies as developers and promoters of GMOs. But thanks to passage of the Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986, as well as President Reagan’s Executive Order #12591—“Facilitating Access to Science and Technology”—the USDA is also directly in the […]

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Feds Eat Crow on Raw Milk Cheese

Feds Eat Crow on Raw Milk Cheese

A government study on raw milk cheese says it’s safe to eat. Will it be enough for the feds to call off the dogs on artisanal cheese producers? Action Alert! Last fall, we reported that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began accepting public comments that would assist the agency in minimizing the threat […]

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Industry GMO Labeling Bill Passes

Industry GMO Labeling Bill Passes

Once again, Congress has sold out voters. Last Thursday, the phony GMO “labeling” bill passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 306–117. The bill now awaits President Obama’s signature, and our sources tell us that he is likely to sign the bill into law. Many organizations are flooding the White House with messages. […]

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Sneak DC Bill Alert

Sneak DC Bill Alert

Crony GMO “labeling” bill has language that could be used to stop companies from using a non-GMO label! We need to stop this now! Major Action Alert! We’ve been reporting on the Roberts-Stabenow bill for some weeks now. The public is being told it’s a “mandatory labeling” bill. We call it a “liar labeling” bill—a […]

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Roundup Chemical in Our Food: Round Two of Testing

Roundup Chemical in Our Food: Round Two of Testing

We used a second testing method to see if common breakfast items contain glyphosate, an herbicide in Roundup weed killer. Earlier this year, we released a white paper concerning the presence of glyphosate in common American breakfast foods. To determine whether glyphosate was present in these products, we used the ELISA test (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) […]

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Bad GMO Deal Must Be Stopped

Bad GMO Deal Must Be Stopped

It’s mandatory labeling in name only. It discriminates against the poor. And it is clearly a gift to Big Food. Major Action Alert! For weeks now, Sens. Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) have been working on a GMO labeling bill that would pre-empt Vermont’s mandatory labeling law. Late last week they finally reached […]

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GMOs and Glyphosate Safe?

GMOs and Glyphosate Safe?

Two recent studies would have us think so! But who, exactly, is behind the research? Major studies just released claim that genetically modified (GM) foods—and the chemical used on them, glyphosate—are safe to eat. Following publication, there has been a steady drumbeat in the media essentially claiming that the case is now closed: GMOs are […]

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Are You Eating Meat Glue?

Are You Eating Meat Glue?

There’s a good chance the premium cuts you’re buying and eating at restaurants are actually cheap cuts stitched together with “meat glue.” Action Alert! If you needed one more reason to only eat beef that is grass-fed and locally raised, consider the prevalence of “meat glue” in industrial meat. The “glue” is actually an enzyme […]

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