Feds to Reinvent School Lunches—with Flavored Skim Milk Full of Toxic Additives!

Feds to Reinvent School Lunches—with Flavored Skim Milk Full of Toxic Additives!

Another ill-fated government foray into nutrition recommendations. Action Alert! Reps. G.T. Thompson (R-PA) and Joe Courtney (D-CT) recently introduced the School Milk Nutrition Act of 2015, which seeks to increase dairy consumption in children by mandating low-fat and non-fat flavored milk for each school meal. This follows changes to the USDA National School Lunch and […]

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Lactose Intolerant? A Better Milk Is Coming!

Lactose Intolerant? A Better Milk Is Coming!

Alas, many of its health benefits will be ruined by ultra-pasteurization—just so it can be more conveniently marketed. In April 2015, a New Zealand-based company, the a2 Milk Company, launched its brand in the US. The milk has all the properties of normal supermarket milk varieties you might buy, with one important difference: all of […]

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FDA Fires Direct Shot at Small, Local, Artisanal Food Producers

FDA Fires Direct Shot at Small, Local, Artisanal Food Producers

The FDA is proposing a new regulation that could shutter the doors of your favorite artisanal food producers. Action Alert! When the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was originally proposed in 2010, we and many other organizations were troubled. Small-farm and organic food advocates warned that the legislation would destroy their industry under a mountain […]

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Will Congress Protect Your Right to Know Where Your Meat Comes From?

Will Congress Protect Your Right to Know Where Your Meat Comes From?

The World Trade Organization wants to keep us in the dark. And what exactly is inside the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement? Action Alert! The United States currently has had a mandatory country-of-origin labeling (COOL) law in place since 2009. It requires meat to be labeled to indicate where it was born, raised, and processed—even when the […]

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Op-Ed: Is the New York Times Endorsing the Attorney General for Governor?

Op-Ed: Is the New York Times Endorsing the Attorney General for Governor?

The New York Attorney General’s recent attacks on supplements have been highly publicized by the New York Times. Unfortunately, the AG used improper scientific methodology and drew inaccurate conclusions, which the AG now refuses to back up by opening the studies to peer review. Perpetuating this misinformation is a waste of taxpayer dollars and a […]

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One-Third of Seniors with Dementia Are Being Given Antipsychotics

One-Third of Seniors with Dementia Are Being Given Antipsychotics

—even though such toxic drugs are not approved to treat dementia! A report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that nearly one-third of older adults with dementia who spent more than 100 days in a nursing home were given antipsychotics through Medicare’s prescription drug program in 2012. We previously reported that a similar situation exists with brain-damaged […]

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Are We Ignoring the Next Pandemic Risk by Focusing on Measles?

Are We Ignoring the Next Pandemic Risk by Focusing on Measles?

While policymakers and many in the scientific community are worried about measles, a deadlier threat from drug-resistant diseases like tuberculosis lurks on the horizon. Action Alert! The measles outbreak in California has unleashed a storm of heated debate across the country, including multiple calls for mandatory vaccinations at both the federal and state level. What is the extent of this […]

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