Dangerous chemicals found in food wrappers at major fast-food restaurants and grocery chains, report says

Dangerous chemicals found in food wrappers at major fast-food restaurants and grocery chains, report says

By Sandee LaMotte, CNN Alarming levels of dangerous chemicals known as PFAS were discovered in food packaging at a number of well-known fast-food and fast-casual restaurants and grocery store chains, a new report found. The highest levels of indicators for PFAS were found in food packaging from Nathan’s Famous, Cava, Arby’s, Burger King, Chick-fil-A, Stop & […]

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Supplements Next to Cigarettes Behind Counters?

Supplements Next to Cigarettes Behind Counters?

Bad supplement bills in Rhode Island, New York, California, Missouri, and Massachusetts that would severely restrict supplement access show where other states could be heading. Action Alert! Rhode Island state senators Mike McCaffrey, Hanna Gallo, and Joshua Miller recently sought to put ALL supplements behind the counter, and only accessible by retail clerks. This is, […]

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The Red Meat Witch-Hunt Exposed

The Red Meat Witch-Hunt Exposed

Find out why Gates-funded meat demonization is non-science and the Global Burden of Disease data can’t be trusted. By Rob Verkerk PhD, executive & scientific director, ANH-International. THE TOPLINE Red meat eating has been demonized because of its alleged adverse impacts on the environment and on health Find out why it isn’t red meat that’s […]

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A Plea for Nutrition in Medicine

A Plea for Nutrition in Medicine

From Ronald Hoffman, MD. March is National Nutrition Month. I’ll use this occasion to issue a clarion call for making nutrition a linchpin of medical therapy across ALL specialties. Here’s a rundown of how it could advance the health of diverse patients: Gastroenterology: Rates of IBS, GERD, inflammatory bowel disease and GI cancers are soaring. Diet has a […]

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Feds Approve the Poison, Threaten the Cure

Feds Approve the Poison, Threaten the Cure

Federal policies both make us sick and threaten our ability detoxify with NAC—all while industry lines its pockets. Action Alert! One government agency kowtows to special interests to expose us to dangerous chemicals, and another government agency threatens to ban the very products that can help us recover from being exposed to those chemicals. New […]

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GMO Name Game Revealed

GMO Name Game Revealed

New USDA rules go into effect that allow Big Food to hide their genetically modified ingredients. Starting January 1 of this year, the new GMO labeling rules went into effect. Sorry, we mean “bioengineered” labeling, the term the government and industry chose to obfuscate the issue and confuse consumers. Obfuscation and confusion were the chief […]

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Is ‘Organic’ Dry Cleaning a Scam?

Is ‘Organic’ Dry Cleaning a Scam?

Many dry cleaning stores advertise they are organic, but it doesn’t mean they are better for your health or the environment. We know that “organic” food is supposed to be free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals, but does the same apply to dry cleaners claiming to be organic? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Many […]

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