FDA Doubles Down on Censoring Food Labels

FDA Doubles Down on Censoring Food Labels

As usual, it gets the science wrong, and we think we detect a hidden, commercial motive as well. Action Alert! The FDA recently sent a warning letter to KIND, the company known for making several varieties of fruit-and-nut bars. The letter contends that four of KIND’s products bear the claim on their labels that they are “healthy and […]

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A New Tool for Antibiotic-Resistant Killer Bacteria: Essential Oils

A New Tool for Antibiotic-Resistant Killer Bacteria: Essential Oils

What should you stock to protect yourself? A few weeks ago, we reported that, while many across the country are concerned about measles, which occurs in a largely vaccinated population and has caused no deaths, a larger threat wasn’t receiving proper attention: drug-resistant tuberculosis—and antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” in general. These infect at least two million Americans […]

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What Will the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Endorse Next? Candy?

What Will the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Endorse Next? Candy?

The AND seems to be proving its own lack of credibility by endorsing Kraft Singles—and then claiming it’s not actually an endorsement. State-based Action Alerts! Last week, the New York Times reported that Kraft Singles—the individually wrapped slices of “cheese product” popular in school lunches—were the first product to boast the AND’s new “Kids Eat Right” label. The label […]

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Will We Allow Big Pharma to Patent and Control Natural Products?

Will We Allow Big Pharma to Patent and Control Natural Products?

Behind the scenes, the pharmaceutical and biotech industries are trying to change the law—to benefit no one but themselves. Major Action Alert! Big Pharma in general—and biotech in particular—are having trouble coming up with new-to-nature molecules they can successfully patent and turn into blockbuster medicines. They know the healing power of natural substances. But natural substances […]

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