Is Your State Being Targeted by a Medical Monopoly?

Is Your State Being Targeted by a Medical Monopoly?

It may be—if a secretive, private, and powerful organization called the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) gets its way. State-based Action Alerts! For years now, we have been reporting on the machinations of the FSMB, especially their most recent efforts to pass their Interstate Medical Licensure Compact in as many states as possible. Don’t […]

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HSAs Should Cover Supplements!

HSAs Should Cover Supplements!

New bills in both chambers of Congress agree. Action Alert! Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and three of his colleagues, Sens. Rubio (R-FL), Barrasso (R-WY), and Johnson (R-WI), have introduced a bill that would allow Health Savings Account (HSA) funds to go toward dietary supplements without having to get a doctor’s prescription; the same would apply to health […]

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Tide Turning against Ag-Gag Laws?

Tide Turning against Ag-Gag Laws?

After last year’s landmark decision in Idaho, more ag-gag laws are being challenged in court. State-based Action Alert! Last year, we reported that a federal district court found Idaho’s “ag-gag” law unconstitutional on First Amendment grounds. Like similar ag-gag laws in seven other states, Idaho’s law made it a felony to document and expose illegal […]

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War on Natural Medicine Continues

War on Natural Medicine Continues

If a mainstay treatment of natural medicine doctors is shown to be safe and effective by government research, what do you do? Ban it! Action Alert! Congress passed the Drug Quality and Security Act in response to bad medicine from a rogue compounded-drug company, which the FDA had known about and refused to shut down. […]

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Grass-Fed Label For Meat—Gone!

Grass-Fed Label For Meat—Gone!

The US Department of Agriculture is nixing its grass-fed standard, but they’re doing it for the most absurd reason imaginable. Action Alert! Last week, the USDA announced it would be withdrawing its standard for the grass-fed meat label. The agency is giving producers who used the grass-fed label thirty days to (1) convert the current “grass-fed” […]

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Superbugs to Kill Millions Soon?

Superbugs to Kill Millions Soon?

Just because Big Pharma can’t make big money from the potential solutions is not a reason for further delay. Action Alert! Antibiotic-resistant illnesses currently kill an estimated 700,000 people a year globally. By 2050, these illnesses are expected to kill 10 million people. Based on recent research, it could be even worse—and coming even sooner. […]

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FDA: Your Own Cells Are a Drug!

FDA: Your Own Cells Are a Drug!

To protect Big Pharma, the FDA is coming after stem cell therapies. Don’t let the agency classify your body as a pharmaceutical drug. Action Alert!  In the next few months, the FDA will hold a public meeting to discuss its recent actions to clamp down on the use of autologous stem cell treatments. This is […]

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