Protecting Europe’s Tradition Of Botanical Medicine
ANH-International plans legal challenge to the European Union’s attack on herbal medicines.
ANH-International plans legal challenge to the European Union’s attack on herbal medicines.
Will the Vermont State Legislature pass a 6 percent sales tax to be applied to the sale of dietary supplements?
Danger lurks in moisturizers, soaps, shampoos.
ANH-USA worked closely with our allies in the senate to ensure that dietary supplements are protected from Codex language in the Senate Food Safety bill.
Next week the title of our newsletter will change, but the focus will remain unchanged.
Human beings cannot live without vitamin B-6. The FDA recently gave one natural form of this critical vitamin to a drug company for its exclusive use. Another drug company wants the most important natural form as well, the one that our bodies cannot do without. Please help stop this outrageous vitamin grab.
The Food and Drug Administration has disregarded government experts sounding the alarm about routine exposure to medical radiation, including the powerful CT scans used to screen for colon cancer. This is yet another example of why fundamental FDA reform remains so important.
Let’s not forget the good news about how we changed the bill to recognize and include integrative medicine.
Nutrition is vital in the prevention and treatment of disease as explained by Dr. Neal Barnard in his book “The Power of Your Plate”. Yet the American press continues largely to ignore the role nutrition plays in preventing chronic illness.
Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) is linked to 50 percent of all liver failure in the United States. It can also cause eye disease, asthma, hearing loss — and death. Why is the FDA silent about the dangers of this country’s most commonly used painkiller?