Your Victory on the McCain Bill

Your Victory on the McCain Bill

We did it! Hundreds of thousands of messages poured into the Senate opposing Senator McCain’s bill, the bill that would have wiped out current legislative protections for dietary supplements. More and more messages were arriving by the day. The entire Congress began to take note. Senator McCain was embarrassed by our ad whose headline pointed out that he was misrepresenting and did not seem to understand his own bill.

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Senator McCain – Please Read Your Own Bill

On Monday, Senator McCain released a Senate Floor Statement defending his Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010. He lashed out at “opponents of the bill and their well-paid Washington lobbyists” who have “spread false statements and rumors about the legislation”. But a close examination of McCain’s statement reveals that he does not understand his own bill.

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Saving Lives, Wasting Money

It’s paradoxical that our healthcare system, which excels at saving lives, can’t seem to cure itself of squandering money. A landmark comparative effectiveness study suggests ways to improve care and reduce waste — but appears to be ignored

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