Soda Blocks Brain Repair

Soda Blocks Brain Repair

Please don’t give your child sugar after a brain injury. This definitely includes the fructose in a soda. Action Alert! New evidence shows that processed sugars prevent the brain’s ability to heal after head trauma. As Dr. Russell Blaylock reported in his December 2015 Blaylock Wellness Report, laboratory rats were trained for five days to […]

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Dissent Silenced in Nutrition Debate

Dissent Silenced in Nutrition Debate

What are the supporters of the government’s “US Dietary Guidelines for Americans” afraid of? Last week, investigative journalist and author Nina Teicholz was disinvited from participating in a panel discussion at the Consumer Federation of America’s National Food Policy Conference. Other panelists reportedly said that they would not participate with her, and got the organizers […]

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“VAXXED” Film Axed

“VAXXED” Film Axed

After intense pressure from the mainstream media, a film about the CDC’s cover up of the link between autism and the MMR vaccine has been pulled from the Tribeca Film Festival. Actor Robert De Niro made headlines late last week when he defended the inclusion of Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe in the festival’s lineup. […]

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Natural Thyroid Medications at Risk

Natural Thyroid Medications at Risk

Why is the government targeting them? Together let’s put a stop to this. Action Alerts! Last summer, we told you that Hillary Clinton was prescribed Coumadin, a dangerous blood thinner with lots of nasty side effects. We also noted that she was prescribed Armour Thyroid, a natural medicine, to treat an underactive thyroid gland. Now, […]

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Senate DARK Act Defeated!

Senate DARK Act Defeated!

And we did it thanks to the activism of ANH-USA members and our allies. Did your senators support your right to know? Last week, the movement to block mandatory labeling at the state level was dealt a decisive blow in the Senate. Sen. Pat Roberts’ voluntary GMO labeling legislation did not pass a cloture vote […]

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GMO Labeling: Last Chance to Know What’s in Your Food?

GMO Labeling: Last Chance to Know What’s in Your Food?

Congress, spurred on by special interests, is about to approve voluntary labeling legislation designed to avoid real, mandatory GMO labeling. We need more messages to stop it. Action Alert! Last week the Senate Agriculture Committee approved the voluntary GMO labeling legislation introduced by Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS)—which means we are very close to voluntary labeling […]

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Has PBS Become a Front for Big Pharma?

Has PBS Become a Front for Big Pharma?

A PBS Frontline documentary argues that supplements are useless—relying on “expert testimony” from paid Pharma representatives. Last week, PBS’s Frontline aired an hour-long program titled “Supplements and Safety.” Jointly produced by Frontline, the New York Times, and the Canadian Broadcasting Commission, the program was clearly intended to leave viewers with the one-sided impression that dietary […]

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