Grass-Fed Label For Meat—Gone!

Grass-Fed Label For Meat—Gone!

The US Department of Agriculture is nixing its grass-fed standard, but they’re doing it for the most absurd reason imaginable. Action Alert! Last week, the USDA announced it would be withdrawing its standard for the grass-fed meat label. The agency is giving producers who used the grass-fed label thirty days to (1) convert the current “grass-fed” […]

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ANH Wall of Shame & Fame

ANH Wall of Shame & Fame

The good and bad health and food policies that we live with come about as the result of the efforts by individuals, special interest groups, policymakers and agencies pursuing agendas that either support or erode access to natural health. This is a list of some of the best and worst actors on these issues (click […]

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FDA: Your Own Cells Are a Drug!

FDA: Your Own Cells Are a Drug!

To protect Big Pharma, the FDA is coming after stem cell therapies. Don’t let the agency classify your body as a pharmaceutical drug. Action Alert!  In the next few months, the FDA will hold a public meeting to discuss its recent actions to clamp down on the use of autologous stem cell treatments. This is […]

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Are GMOs a “Natural” Food?

Are GMOs a “Natural” Food?

The FDA may think so. Action Alert! Last week, the FDA announced that it would be accepting public input on how—or whether—to define the term “natural” on food labels. This action came about as a result of a number of petitions filed by the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association (GMA) and Consumers Union. The GMA asked the […]

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Customize Your Newsletter

Customize Your Newsletter

At ANH we strive to give you the information you want, the way that you want it. You can choose to read all of our content or the topics you select via the feeds on this page, as opposed to receiving emails from us. If you choose this option you will need an RSS reader […]

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How Did California’s Prop 65 Law Go So Wrong?

How Did California’s Prop 65 Law Go So Wrong?

It was meant to inform and protect consumers. Instead it just makes shady lawyers rich off corporate blackmail. State-based Action Alert! In 1986, California voters passed the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, generally referred to as Proposition 65, or “Prop 65.” A new white paper by ANH-USA shows how the original […]

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FDA’s Proposal to Curb Mercury Fillings Was Secretly Overruled by Senior Government Officials

FDA’s Proposal to Curb Mercury Fillings Was Secretly Overruled by Senior Government Officials

A much-needed proposal was hypocritically rejected, then buried—and this time it wasn’t the FDA’s fault. Action Alert! A recent news report revealed an FDA proposal from 2011 that would have told dentists to avoid using mercury fillings in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and people with mercury allergies, kidney diseases, and neurological problems. It also […]

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