Plaintiffs Win Suit to Keep Their Social Security Benefits Even if They Reject Medicare

Constitutional attorney Kent Masterson Brown has won an important legal victory on behalf of three plaintiffs — former Congressman Dick Armey, Brian Hall and John Kraus — who sued to keep their Social Security benefits after they withdrew from Medicare Part A, preferring to keep their private healthcare coverage. The Department of Health and Human […]

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Weigh in on Transparency at the FDA

Seize the opportunity to share your suggestions on how the FDA can improve its currently opaque “transparency policy.“ A second public meeting will be held November 3, 2009, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the National Transportation Safety Board Conference Center at 429 L’Enfant Plaza, SW, Washington, DC ( The three discussion groups are:

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It’s Time to Put “Health” back into Healthcare! Tell Your Senators to Support True Healthcare Reform!

How can we, as a country, reduce exploding healthcare costs?  By changing the way we do medicine.  Too often we rely on treating symptoms and addressing health problems after they have reached the crisis state. Under the old way of thinking, this usually means hospital stays, vastly expensive surgery, expensive drugs with undesirable side effects, […]

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Alert! Food Safety Bill Bad for Supplements (Ties U.S. to Codex) and Gives FDA Control Over Farming

The Senate’s “Food Safety” bill is better than the House’s in some important respects. For example, it drops the draconian jail sentences and fines for vague infractions including paperwork errors. But it includes a Codex provision that absolutely must be removed by amendment in order to protect free choice about supplements. Please take action to […]

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Thank you for telling the FDA that transparency matters to you!

Thank you to our 801 advocates who used AAHF’s Action Center to submit comments in response to Docket Number FDA-200-N-0247, letting the Food and Drug Administration’s Transparency Task Force know that you support increased transparency at the FDA. On August 6, AAHF proudly hand-delivered 801 letters to the FDA’s Division of Docket Management. These comments […]

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