Federal Agencies Target Natural Products—But Give Big Food a Free Pass on False Advertising
The FDA and the FTC won’t allow reasonable, science-based claims about foods and supplements, but they let mega-companies like Coke run wild. Action Alert!
The FDA and the FTC won’t allow reasonable, science-based claims about foods and supplements, but they let mega-companies like Coke run wild. Action Alert!
But new JAMA “study” says we are medical conspiracy kooks who are unscientific and foolish.
Click here to donate! On and off Capitol Hill, ANH-USA defends consumer access to dietary supplements, truly healthful foods, and natural health treatments and practitioners. We proactively stop attempts to limit your access to natural health, before you feel their affects. Right now, we’re working to: Stop FDA’s proposed ban on folate, a necessary-to-life B-9 vitamin, […]
Does dairy negate your favorite brew’s health benefits?
An independent panel of non-federal experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine concludes that the natural health community has been right all along.
A reader asks: Why doesn’t ANH-USA just change its tax status in order to preserve its right to speak out?
It sheds important new light on diseases such as Alzheimer’s, and on all your diet and lifestyle choices.
FDA tells Burzynski to seek approval. When he agrees, they use this as an excuse to let his patients die.Action Alert! Trail-blazing cancer doctor Stanislaw Burzynski’s story really begins with dying patients who are desperate for access to unique, innovative care. Although his clinic utilizes a broad spectrum of cancer treatments, Dr. Burzynski is perhaps […]