Ensnared by an Undercover Investigation, Drug Study Reviewer Halts Many of Its Review Operations

A previous Pulse of Health Freedom issue mentioned the uncover operations of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) which ensnared Coast IRB, LLC, of Colorado Springs. The GAO created a fake medical study of a fake product to see whether for-profit review boards adequately supervised medical trials. Two firms turned it down but Coast IRB took […]

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Toxic Metal Report: Lead Is Still in the Workplace and Can Affect Genetic Expression

Dealing with heavy metals—lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and others—were once the concern of integrative medical physicians and dentists alone. In fact, these practitioners were routinely targeted by medical boards for screening patients for heavy metal toxicity. But now the conventional medical literature links mercury to heart attacks and heart disease and lead to high blood […]

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Trilateral Cooperation Charter—Can We Count on Assurances of No Harmonization?

The Trilateral Cooperation Charter, or TCC, is an agreement signed in 2004 by Mexico, Canada, and the US. Its purpose is to increase communication, collaboration, and the exchange of information among the three countries in the areas of drugs, biologics, medical devices, food safety and nutrition—in theory, an exchange of “best practices.”

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Failure to Consider the Risks

Americans consume more medications than any other population on earth. And they’ve become increasingly aware that while medications are prescribed for certain benefits, the risks involved must be taken seriously. The economic stimulus legislation created a council of up to fifteen federal employees to coordinate the research and to advise Congress and the President how […]

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