If You Care about Your Health, You Need to Know about the Emerging Science of Epigenetics
It sheds important new light on diseases such as Alzheimer’s, and on all your diet and lifestyle choices.
It sheds important new light on diseases such as Alzheimer’s, and on all your diet and lifestyle choices.
In GMO plants, epigenetic changes become dangerously unstable and unpredictable.
It depends on where you got your education. Let’s hope it wasn’t from Bloomberg.
Could it be because they are worried about real labeling laws at the state level? Urgent Action Alert!
The FDA action may be linked to a new Monsanto GMO product. Action Alert!
And who exactly is being “bought and paid for”?
Plus, alarming new GMO products and processes—including “mutant breeding.” Urgent Action Alert!
Even worse, GMOs are now endangering our food supply by killing off butterflies.
We fell just short. But Big Food is having to spend tons of money and may not consider it much of a victory.
Let’s keep up the momentum! Here’s what’s next for GMO labeling.