New Hope for Multiple Sclerosis

New Hope for Multiple Sclerosis

Biotin, often called vitamin H and sometimes vitamin B7, can actually reverse disabling multiple sclerosis symptoms, according to research scientists. It takes a number of months for biotin to do its work, but the improvements are long-lasting. Researchers saw the biggest improvements in spinal cord involvement and vision. Relatively recently reported research[1] (2015) tells us […]

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EPA Changes Its Tune on Fracking

EPA Changes Its Tune on Fracking

The agency finally admits that the process may contaminate drinking water. In the final version of a study first issued in 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reversed its previously held position that hydraulic fracturing (also known as “fracking”) has little effect on drinking water. An EPA science advisor said that the previous conclusion […]

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Is Lead Causing Criminal Behavior?

Is Lead Causing Criminal Behavior?

And why is the government against the obvious, natural solution? State-based Action Alert! In Flint, Michigan, tap water in residents’ homes contained astonishing levels of lead, as high as 104 parts per billion (ppb). The Environmental Protection Agency’s limit for lead in drinking water is 15 ppb, but there is no safe level of lead […]

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The Tahoma Clinic Macular Regeneration Program

The Tahoma Clinic Macular Regeneration Program

Age-related macular degeneration can be stopped and reversed It is vital to determine and treat the causes of the degeneration—usually a combination of nutrient deficiencies and digestive difficulties A treatment program of intravenous minerals, herbs, amino acids, vitamin supplements, and often hormones, has been used for over twenty-five years with tremendous success Age-related macular degeneration […]

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Research and Clinical Information  You Can Safely Use on Your Own

Research and Clinical Information You Can Safely Use on Your Own

Treatments for your skin: lycopene, vitamin A, and duct tape! Vitamin D lowers cancer risk Vitamin regimens for both heavy menstruation and nausea in pregnancy Nix dairy to prevent strep throat Sexual healing: hormones for men, and herbs, oils, and vitamins for women More lycopene, less rough skin As skin aging and roughness is more […]

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The FDA Bans Triclosan

The FDA Bans Triclosan

The FDA recently issued a rule banning triclosan and more than a dozen other chemicals commonly used in antibacterial soaps. This will affect a large number of products. “If the product makes antibacterial claims, chances are pretty good that it contains one of these ingredients,” according to an FDA spokeswoman. Companies have a year to […]

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Depression, Amino Acids, and Rubidium

Depression, Amino Acids, and Rubidium

Chronic depression can be successfully treated by taking supplemental essential amino acids. A simple blood test can check for low amino acid levels, and can suggest appropriate dosages to bring levels back to normal. Supplements of a mineral called rubidium, part of the lithium–sodium–potassium “family” of minerals, can stimulate catecholamines and further help depression. For […]

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Snake Oil and Copper Bracelets

Snake Oil and Copper Bracelets

Folk medicine evolved through careful observation of the beneficial effects of certain herbs and substances on human health—and modern science frequently validates our ancestors’ observations. Snake oil contains concentrated levels of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and is a credible anti-inflammatory agent. Modern research has found that copper has significant anti-inflammatory effects, and […]

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Sewage with My Salad?

Sewage with My Salad?

The fruits and vegetables you feed your family may have been grown in re-purposed sewage filled with pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, and other contaminants. Action Alert! Hundreds of thousands of tons of sewage sludge are spread each year on America’s forests and agricultural lands. This is commonly done with great secrecy. If you want to know […]

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