Myth: GMOs Will Feed the World

Myth: GMOs Will Feed the World

The biotech industry claims that GMO crops deliver higher crop yields. The facts, however, do not bear this out. According to a report by the Union of Concerned Scientists: Only one kind of GMO corn (corn that has been genetically altered to express the bacterial Bt toxin, which is poisonous to certain insect pests) has […]

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Myth: GMOs Are Environmentally Friendly

Myth: GMOs Are Environmentally Friendly

GMOs are not environmentally friendly, and have not lessened the use of toxic chemicals—in fact, they’ve increased it. Many crops are genetically modified to withstand the use of extremely toxic herbicides like Roundup. However, weeds are becoming increasingly tolerant of Roundup, creating “superweeds;” so much so that a new generation of crops is being engineered […]

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Myth: GMO Technology is Natural, and Just Like Crossbreeding

The biotech industry would have us believe that genetic modification is “natural,” and the same as crossbreeding (which farmers have undertaken for thousands of years). However: Natural breeding usually only takes place between closely related forms of life—mixing genetic material from different organisms is not “natural.” Take, for example, salmon with antifreeze DNA and tomatoes […]

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Monsanto Seed Label

Monsanto Seed Label

This is an actual label from a bag of Monsanto seed. These seeds may or may not be GMO, but notice the warning. Does it bother anyone that seeds are routinely coated with poison? This isn’t something that is even making headlines anymore. This is just business as usual in the world of modern farming. […]

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