Americans Overfed, Undernourished
But mainstream medicine ignores this all too obvious fact.
But mainstream medicine ignores this all too obvious fact.
The Natural Products Association now sets standards for home-care products.
Last week we asked you to contact your senators and tell them not to co-sponsor but instead oppose Senator McCain’s recently introduced Dietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA). Thank you to the large numbers who have already taken action. It is now time to let Big Sports know how we feel as well. Big businesses do not like to upset their customers, and it is time to let them know we are very unhappy with their actions. Please take action now!
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez questions the Arizona senator’s co-sponsorship of the Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010, which would repeal key sections of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.
As China exports a wave of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the disjointed effort by three different government agencies to address food safety are not likely to accomplish much.
A wide variety of organizations, working together with ANH-USA, have swung into action to stop John McCain’s new bill that threatens dietary supplements. Already thousands of messages are on their way to Capitol Hill in protest. Please be sure that your message is among them. If you have not already done so, please take action now.
The Government Accounting Office has contacted makers of dietary supplements, announcing its review of the marketing of certain herbal supplements (chamomile, Echinacea, peppermint oil, ginger root, fennel seed). This is being done at the request of the Senate Select Committee on Aging.
Newly published study concludes that fat of any kind may increase the risk of prostate cancer. But…
National Institutes of Health now requires all CT and other radiation-producing scanners used at NIH clinics to come with software able to track the dosage of radiation given to every patient and log it into an electronic medical record.
Given the reports of lead being found in women’s handbags, cadmium in children’s jewelry and “mountains of mercury” as a byproduct of manufacturing cement, why don’t more physicians screen their patients for exposure to heavy metals?