SADder Than You Think

SADder Than You Think

It isn’t just people who are affected by the Standard American Diet (SAD). It’s plants as well. And when we eat these non-nutritious plants—or the animals that are fed on them—it is our health that suffers. Just as the Standard American Diet helps destroy the beneficial bacteria and fungi on which our bodies depend for […]

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As Bad as Glyphosate?

As Bad as Glyphosate?

The world is focused on glyphosate, but another commonly used farm herbicide could be just as poisonous. Action Alert! The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required to review pesticides and herbicides approved for use in the US every fifteen years. The agency just completed its updated environmental impact assessment of atrazine, the second most widely […]

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MRIs: What Your Doctor May Not Warn You About

MRIs: What Your Doctor May Not Warn You About

They are typically safer than other imaging technology, but there are dangers you need to know about. Action Alert! We’ve previously written about the massive amount of radiation that patients are exposed to in CAT and PET scans, which make MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging) a generally safer diagnostic imaging procedure. MRIs produce a strong magnetic […]

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Who’ll Stop the (Glyphosate) Rain?

Who’ll Stop the (Glyphosate) Rain?

Glyphosate (Roundup™) found in rain; not disclosed for seven years! Glyphosate concentrations found in urine damages testicles Many of us were told in school that the fall of the Roman Empire was accelerated by the plumbing of their cities, which was made of lead. Urban Romans were drinking lead in their water every day, but […]

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GMOs and Glyphosate Safe?

GMOs and Glyphosate Safe?

Two recent studies would have us think so! But who, exactly, is behind the research? Major studies just released claim that genetically modified (GM) foods—and the chemical used on them, glyphosate—are safe to eat. Following publication, there has been a steady drumbeat in the media essentially claiming that the case is now closed: GMOs are […]

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Fighting for Naturopaths

Fighting for Naturopaths

Discrimination against well-trained naturopathic doctors is rampant. We need your help to stop it. State-based Action Alert! Recently an association of four-year trained naturopathic doctors (NDs) in Oregon brought a class action lawsuit against an insurance provider. They allege that the insurance company conducted unlawful and discriminatory practices by arbitrarily denying payments for primary care services […]

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CDC Whistleblower Backtracking?

CDC Whistleblower Backtracking?

The scientist who blew the lid on the CDC’s cover-up of the connection between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism may be changing his story. Did someone get to him? In 2014, Dr. William Thompson, a scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) contacted Dr. Brian Hooker of Focus for […]

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Glyphosate Levels in Breakfast Foods: What is safe?

Glyphosate Levels in Breakfast Foods: What is safe?

April 19, 2016 Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the world’s most widely used herbicide, its use being largely associated with crops genetically modified to be resistant to it. Increasing numbers of scientific studies are demonstrating that glyphosate residues are now ubiquitous in the environment and may be common in foods. In 2015, the World […]

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