ANH Joins the Stage at ICIM Conference

ANH Joins the Stage at ICIM Conference

Last week, ANH founder Rob Verkerk, Ph.D., gave the opening lecture at the International College of Integrative Medicine’s (ICIM) Inflammaging Conference in New Orleans. For over two decades, ANH has been at the forefront of protecting and promoting natural approaches to regenerating, maintaining, and optimizing health. These approaches are not only threatened by regulatory capture […]

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PFAS Action Now!

PFAS Action Now!

The EPA released a progress report on its efforts to tackle the widespread contamination of our world with dangerous PFAS “forever” chemicals. While there have been positive steps, the overall impression left by this report is that we need to do much, much more to protect our health. Action Alert! PFAS “forever” chemicals are a […]

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Totalitarian Medicine on the Horizon

Totalitarian Medicine on the Horizon

Powerful forces are working to centralize healthcare decision-making in a small group of elites at the World Health Organization (WHO). We have to push back NOW to stop it. Action Alert! The ability for you to make informed decisions about you and your family’s health is being threatened by proposed changes to international pandemic laws […]

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FDA Ransack of Nature Ongoing with NMN Attack

FDA Ransack of Nature Ongoing with NMN Attack

Stop drug companies from stealing products that give us years on our lives. Action Alert! Earlier this year, ANH-USA and the Natural Products Association (NPA) submitted a Citizen’s Petition to the FDA urging the agency to reverse its determination that nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is not a legal dietary supplement. Late in August, the agency responded […]

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Supplement Media Attack: Another Case of Déjà Vu?

Supplement Media Attack: Another Case of Déjà Vu?

If a health product works, it’s cheap, and it isn’t made by a pharmaceutical company, it will come under attack by the mainstream scientific institutions, authorities, and the media. Scientific American’s latest attack is in a long line of hit-pieces against dietary supplements that, if taken seriously and implemented, would result in the supplement industry […]

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Genetically Engineered Vaccines in Organic Meat & Dairy

Genetically Engineered Vaccines in Organic Meat & Dairy

The USDA and some organic certifiers have been looking the other way as genetically engineered (GE) vaccines make their way into US organic production. This contravenes the very principles of organic agriculture. This government-sanctioned deception of the public must stop—particularly as we prepare for a wave of mRNA vaccines hitting the market. Action Alert! Are […]

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Multivitamins Boost Memory

Multivitamins Boost Memory

A new study confirms the powerful effects that low-cost dietary supplements can have on our health. Let’s support legislation to make supplements more affordable and more widely available to Americans. Action Alert! A recent study found that those taking multivitamins were 3 years “younger” in terms of their memory function than those taking a placebo. […]

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