Statin Drugs and Vitamin D Deficiency

The September 2009 newsletter of the Vitamin D Council weighs the scientific evidence pointing to a connection between the use of statin drugs (prescribed to lower cholesterol) and vitamin D deficiency. Are the drugs most often prescribed in the United States linked to vitamin D deficiency, known to affect up to 77 percent of all Americans?

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Help End the Government’s Shameful Silence About Vitamin D—the Natural Way to Prevent and Treat Flu Including Swine Flu!

With hundreds of thousands of seasonal flu-related complications, more than 35,000 deaths from the flu, and countless more from the H1N1 flu expected this season, ANH-USA asks the obvious question: What are the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Health and Human Services (HHS) doing about it? The answer: Not much!

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