Ohio Moves to Rein in Nutritional Monopolists

Ohio Moves to Rein in Nutritional Monopolists

We’re making progress in the effort to make sure health coaches and nutritionists can practice. State-based Action Alert! Last year, we sent letters to the sixteen states that had the worst monopolistic scope-of-practice laws for the nutrition profession. This action was a follow-up to court victories that sent a clear signal to monopolistic boards to […]

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Legal Drugs: Time to “Just Say No”

Legal Drugs: Time to “Just Say No”

They’re dangerous, even deadly, but hugely profitable. Big Pharma has bought politicians and doctors. Only the American public can stop it by refusing the product. Action Alert! Most people are understandably afraid to say no. They don’t know enough about medicine. We understand. We aren’t doctors and never offer medical advice. But the Internet has […]

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Not Diabetic? Take a Diabetes Drug Anyway!

Not Diabetic? Take a Diabetes Drug Anyway!

That’s what the medical establishment is scandalously recommending. There are billions of dollars to be made, even if the drugs are harmful even for actual diabetics. “Prediabetes” refers to a condition of abnormal but not pathological blood sugar levels. People with “prediabetes” are considered to be at risk to develop type 2 diabetes. One in […]

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Pink Drill Bits “For the Cure”?

Pink Drill Bits “For the Cure”?

The largest breast cancer organization has a strange new bedfellow. Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the largest breast cancer fundraising organization in the US and known for painting everything pink, has partnered with Baker Hughes, one of the world’s largest oilfield service companies. To mark the partnership, thousands of Baker Hughes drill bits used […]

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Are You Nutrient Deficient?

Are You Nutrient Deficient?

Fully 90% of Americans are deficient in one or more key nutrients. Unfortunately, many Americans are not even meeting the government’s (flawed) recommended daily allowances of key nutrients: (Chart from Precision Nutrition, based on USDA data) One nutrient in particular to note is magnesium. Life Extension Foundation (LEF) points out in its most recent issue […]

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Can’t Get (or Afford) a Zika Virus Test?

Can’t Get (or Afford) a Zika Virus Test?

Yet another example of the crony medical system. It is very difficult to get tested for Zika. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have issued strict guidelines about who will be allowed to be tested. Priority is given to pregnant women with possible exposure to Zika and people with Zika-like symptoms. But testing […]

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Depression, Amino Acids, and Rubidium

Depression, Amino Acids, and Rubidium

Chronic depression can be successfully treated by taking supplemental essential amino acids. A simple blood test can check for low amino acid levels, and can suggest appropriate dosages to bring levels back to normal. Supplements of a mineral called rubidium, part of the lithium–sodium–potassium “family” of minerals, can stimulate catecholamines and further help depression. For […]

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Snake Oil and Copper Bracelets

Snake Oil and Copper Bracelets

Folk medicine evolved through careful observation of the beneficial effects of certain herbs and substances on human health—and modern science frequently validates our ancestors’ observations. Snake oil contains concentrated levels of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and is a credible anti-inflammatory agent. Modern research has found that copper has significant anti-inflammatory effects, and […]

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